Friday, June 27, 2008

-Not Feeling Well-


Not feeling well in the early morning...

---Having flu---

used up lots of tissues~ kakaka~


Now working hard o the physics thing... WTF!

Trying to understand wat i dun understand...

Trying to do wat i am suppose to do...


---What is this---

ESL Final Report dued on 10-07-2008

Physics Final Report dued on 11-07-2008

Lovely MID YEAR EXAM starts from 22-07-2008

Including---BIOLOGY==Macromolecules M1-17, Cells C1-C10,Organism O1-2 DIE

CHEMISTRY= Chapter 1,2,3 that will totally KILL me

Maths=Chapter 1-6 --OH DEAR

Physics=Chapter 1-9 ---SHIT

ESL---I love you

Ha... Thats the end of my life---

--Dying --

Not more than a month!

-----Trying hard to be who i should be-----

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