Sunday, August 19, 2012


我就可没那么的机会了。。。。 呜呜呜。

This year, La Voce Choir will be holding a concert in SJK(C) Chee Wen, Subang Jaya on 1st and 2nd of September 2012, called "The Mermaids' Voices". This time round, the audience will definitely be surprised by all sorts of excitement that is bound to take place!

爱韵合唱团将与2012年9月1日以及2日在梳邦再也子文華小, 再度举办演唱会。演唱会主题为The Mermaids' Voices 《余音•幻妙》意为回味现今社会逐渐消失的天籁之音,更体现原汁原味合唱带来的幻妙与喜悦。英语主题定为The Mermaids' Voices 也因这曲目会是演唱会的压轴表演。此次的演出将会带给观众复古、蕴奥、神秘以及惊叹的感受!

| DATE & TIME 日期 時間 |
1st September 2012 (Saturday) - 8PM
2nd September 2012 (Sunday) - 2PM & 8PM

| VENUE 地點 |
Auditorium Lim Bee, SJK(C) Chee Wen
林秀英講堂, 梳邦再也子文華小
USJ 1, Jalan Subang Mewah, 
47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor.

| ENTRY 入場 |
Adult - RM35
Student (18 or below) - RM25

1. Group Package from 1st of July 2012 onwards: Buy 10 Free 1. 
(Terms & Conditions Apply)

| CONTACT 聯絡 |
Mr. Kenneth Tan 012-693 9096
Ms. Lee 016-333 0624
Ms. Tang 019-216 6737

Saturday, May 19, 2012




Friday, May 18, 2012


不过没关系, 现在我真的很过动。
妈妈身体还算不错,打完第6支化疗了。 情况很好耶。
希望她能快点好起来, 别再说我不孝顺你了老妈,就只因为我让你介口。不让你吃你喜欢的东西。^^ 再说,母亲节刚过了。 虽然我们没买什么昂贵的东西给你,但我们还是很爱你的。 xoxo.
也忘了提起,上两个礼拜和学政还有志勤出来吃饭了。 整整一年没有看到志勤了,他还是呢么的可爱咧。 嚷嚷说他永远是世界上第2个对我最好的人。对拉,他对我还真的是不错拉。不过,加加起来,他欠了我8年的生日礼物咯。也许该让他欠到10年一次过叫他补好了。  哈哈。
也遇到jasmine和她老公,但没有看到她女儿....... T.T 她女儿chloe超可爱的,但就是没机会看到。
认真想想,我最近生活还真自在阿。 每天就这样懒懒的过。
也许生活就该有个动力。 ^^
到升旗山去,但却看不到日落。 因为要下雨了。。。。。
不过,我还真开心,想说,我们两个还真的是怪胎。 哈哈。
Gurney ToysRus
Darth Vader Spotted~!!! 


那只公仔有不削的样子。 ==



周年纪念跑到升旗山去看猫头鹰。 ~~ ^^

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Screw up the past. I am a better person and now and would be better in the future.

These few days i kept thinking of my past. Of all the craps i have done and regretted.
Guess what. Screw them. I know that i am a better person right now.
Who doesnt make mistakes? The most important thing is to learn from them and never repeat the same thing again.
I am who i am. I am what i believed i am.
This morning i read a girl's blog which says that she does not do things to please people.
I think it is very true but how many people can be cool like her.
I wanted to be cool like her. But just a lot of circumstances.
I've always wanna be the pretty , intelligent girl. ALWAYS.
and now. i jus wanna be who i am. The Jaimie who believes in who she is.
Jaimie who is confident and look good although that she is chubby.
The jaimie who is so lan si when she meet strangers.
Yes. I am who i am. And if u dont like me, pls stay away from me.
I do not need people who please me and backstab me.
Jus need friends who could tell me when i am wrong.
Friends who could stand my personality because this is who i am.

= Jaimie 16-04-2012 =

Friday, March 16, 2012


我, 長大了。
好像回到了旧時光。 但就是有那麼一點點的不同. 
那,代表甚麼呢? 它對我來說已經無關緊要了嗎? 
這,又代表了甚麼。 從一開始就沒被注重過。
從她口中敘述的你,看來還在逃避。 堅持讓人家相信,從頭到尾都是我的錯。 
只是,這已經不重要。 因為,我們所活在的時空,早就平行了。  
但,這是我的選擇。 如今,我選擇了放棄,選擇了自由 。平行的時空,是如此的靠近,也如此的距離。 
現在,我的他,是我的唯一,也是唯一對我呵護備至的人。 是你,促手不及的幻影。 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Had a great valentines date yesterday ~~~!
i feel proud of me and sachin. that we don't have to be closer on valentines day. 
because its how close we are everyday. 
Last saturday we went to Seoul Garden in Gurney to have dinner. 
Actually the plan was going to italiannies in gurney paragon but its full ~~~ 
But its alright, so we headed to gurney. 
Spend 3 hours jus eatingggg.... OMG we're like piggsss~~~ hahaha
Then we headed home. i was thinking. shit. we're like old couples dee..... 
that time was. 11 something. so early weiii..... then we watched spirited away and he fall asleep halfway.
Potong betul. 
On valentines day, we went on a movie date. starwars 3D. the whole cinema. 5 people. WTF.
and after the show. i know why. because the 3d effect sucks. 
then we met up with yiwen they all who went to single "party" and ended up in tea garden~~~~ 
Really really had fun ~~!! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year~~~~~~

Its Chinese New Year nw so i wish all my friends and family member a Happy Dragon Year~~ 
Its been 2 years since i celebrated CNY at home. 
It felt jus right. Despite having class during cny for the past 2 years~~ =)
Had family reunion dinner with grandma, uncle don and aunt may~~ 
But grandma went back to Melacca after the dinner~~ 
Went to my mother's side family gathering and it was awesome~~!! 
I tot the family tradition of gathering together had lost but it has proven me wrong. 
All the loved ones gathered around, having lunch , its probably the best thing to do. ^^ 
Gathering with my secondary school choir friends @ pavillion yesterday 
Its been a long while since i saw them. Had a wonderful night @uma rani where all our memories flash back~ ^^ 
It tot i was the only one who gaved up singing. But. I guess everyone couldnt find the passion of singing anymore. Except for "xianyao" who is still living his dream~ And he's great, without any doubt. 
We all love you and will support you ~~!! Ga Yao~~!! 

Its not my fault that we've been apart. 
So stop making people believe that it is my fault. 
I have the right not to do whatever damn thing that i do not want to do. 
and this include contacting you. 
Because it will mean a lot of trouble to me. 
You weren't the same person anymore too. 
You know what have you done , nt to me but someone who cares and love you too. 
So. You dont have to explain what have i done to you because i know what am i doing.