Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bz Bz Bz Bz

Recently i have no time to do everything.... T.T
Because of starting os assignments, exams and also PIDC Cup...
The last one really used up my time~ ><
Erm.... Since the last post that i've posted,
I'm enjoying life here, everyday wake up @ about 7.15 am, take bus ride,
class ends at 4 pm, but from last week onwards ball games comes one by one,
finished volleyball and basketball game.
Basketball is really not suitable for me la.... tiring and rough....
i fell down yesterday , with a little bit of scratches on my knee, and today i get MUSCLE PAIN.... T.T Ko Lian~~~~~~~
Great job to our basketball players,
Esther, Shantini, Harmeet, Shalini, Lok Ann, an our dearly captain dorothy~ !!
For volleyball, thanks to my beloved players, love u all so much~
Together we train again!!!!
Basketball game ended yesterday, means that i din even haf time to study.... wtf loo....
Feel like going to badminton with them but i need to study... how leh how leh~ ??
Need to finish up assignment forst before studying.... niao niao niao ~
And ya, Divali nite was held on saturday, i wore saree, hehe....
But its kinda mess there as they are having late nite parties .....
Went bek to the hostel @ 1.30 am......
Many people drunk...... Dunno how to drink still wanna drink.... wtf......
Ok la.... its time for me to prepare for class.... chaoz....
Will miss u all ~ ^^

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


这也都还好吧~ 但是,他,除了一天到晚粘过去她那里,
也超级不讲义气咯~ 我们之所以要讲,是因为我们真的很生气。
本来没有想不爽的, 不过看完那篇就真的心里一把火~!!!!!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Random Post Of Second week in India~

Its really a hot afternoon ..... I'm now sitting in front of the computer studying BIOCHEMISTRY....
which i feel like wanna die...... Just called lunch from relax and they will parcel it to our hostel....
Life here was like so simple.... But quite hastle.... The roads are busy, the town is busy....
Anyway, Happy Belated Deepavali, actually it was yesterday, we went to town,
( Esther, Vivian, Me, Yean Chin, Yi wen, Sachin) ,
Spencers was closed, Green Park was closed... So we oni can manage to have dinner @ Golden Dragon.... Some sort of chinese cuisine.... Not bad lor.....
Then yi wen's adidas shoe haven arrive, she so angry la.... haha...
Went to naidu hall then, bought an inskirt for the saree,
Then went to Boomerang, had a fruit salad ice cream, it was so not nice><
Take auto and go bek to hostel,
played voleyball again, these few dayz siao liao....
Other than studying then is volleyball, afterwards 4 pm need to go PIDC again to practice....
Our dancemove was like in a stopping progress,
26 need to perform for rehearsal , die liao lo?
PIDC sup closing ceremonyis on 7th Nov, but there is an exam of biochem @ 6th Nov... Die mou?
And oh ya, its really a tragedic happened here,
A malaysian, JPA student of 4th year BDS, died in a car accident, four victims are involved , and three died. May their soul rest in peace.
Bek to deepavali, today is actually the football game ,
boys are ok , but gals,.............. Yesterday they shud b practising football,
but the boh zui keep on say wanna play firecrackers, wat the hell!!
Sachin, control ur wife leh~ haha.....
Here , me and yi wen and yean chin also 8 lai 8 qu lo..... quite fun la.... wahahaha....
My roommate is planning to quit BDS,.... T.T
Dun ask me y la... haha.... coz i oso not clear.....
K la.... wanna continue with the stupid biochem liao....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Random post after class and a very unnessesary event~ ><

Uhum... I'm so damn lazy to update post wei.... coz too many things happen this few dayz....
Erm... I went to town i think for three times last week....
For the jerseys and all the stuff...The jersey factory make me wanna killed people wei....
Haiz... nvmd.... Its ok... And i made a saree for this friday deepavali event....
Yesterday was my 5TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY with my dearest hubby...
Although we cant celebrate but at least talked on skype... ^^
I love u more i can say~ Muackz....
Volleyball training drives me crazy.... Its so fun~!! But the competi was cancelled due to the weather and was postponed to next or maybe next next week!
And now preparing the dance for 7th Nov... the closing ceremony~
I cant concentrate on studies... coz i din have my text booksssss....
I need them la wei.. can they provide us as fast as possible...
The lecturers are teaching like hell.... Dunno wat they are talking about....
They talked so softly... and some even teach with slides... jus reading the slides without any explaination.... ARGH!!!!!!!!
I've been stable here.... whee.... actually its not tat bad la....
It will b a memory la... wahaha....
People in malaysia dun miss me ya.... Except for alex ng... he has to miss me... haha..
We went to see the chairman.... thot tat he'l give talk o wat la...
Who noesssss.... we jus go in and take pic with him then chaoz.... wat is thisss????
This few dayz keep on sampat-ing with yi wen..... kaka.... so nice...
Dun wan write liao la... cannot finish wei....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The 2nd Week in India

Hmm..... Now is 9-10-2009 12.50 am midnight.
The day before yesterday, Seniors from the 5th batch bring us to town after the rehearsal of the opening ceremony near the basketball court....
We went there by auto to the old town which is much more crowded then the new one.
Ratna, Hashveen, and a bpy aka hong liang brought us to the jersey making shop...
The stairs was so narrow~ And the workshop is ful of painting smell....
Me, Yi wen, Johnson, Hua Huan went together....
Then we went to the new town, taking one auto with 8 people....
Spent some time in the stationary shop, then had a single scoop of baskin Robins, damn cheap here... 45 Ruppes oni with the toppings.... After that had dinner in a chinese restauran called Golden Dragon.... Not bad la the food there.....
Then off we wen back to the junior quaters, started to design our banners and flags,
Thanks to Yi wen, Yean Chin, Dorothy, Ester, Vivian, Suzanne,Athinia,Lok Ann, Hua Huan, Evania and all that i din mention la..... Thnks for ur help.... Slept at 2 am tat day.... Wat a bz day....

Second day, ended up sleeping in physiology class as the lecturer are boring..... ><
Then had the opening ceremony of PIDC Cup 2009, James batch won the most decorative tent, and the 5th batch won the cheerleading champion~ Had fun in the dance floor !!
Ok, think its time to sleep, will b sharing more of my experience in India as soon as posible~ ^^

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Life New Experience

I really had a new experience....
Sleeping at 9-10pm everyday and woke up at 6 am in the morning.....
Here, the sun rises at 6 am, the sun sets at 6 pm...
Erm... Actually i learned a lot here.... starting to adopt myself dee....
Let me share something with u all... Hehe....
Here their english is actually very poor~ We cant really understand them and they also dun really understand our language....
Here's some experience....
1. Takeaway = Parcel
2. Photostat = xeerox
3. top up = recharge
4. Vehicles = auto
Hmm.... had diarrhoe this few dayz la..... But take it as a very common thing liao ~
Since yesterday nite i was bzing with the PIDC cup thingy....
I'm the female captain wei..... But still ok kua~
But really tired.... Like today, Tuesday, we had our first class.... Tooth Morphology.... then its our anotomy and physiology, the teachers are like..... hmm....Some talk very fast, not clear and slow..... ><
And jus now the seniors Jet suppose to bring us to town but his car broken down....
Kelvin came in with an auto but we are stopped by the lady warden.
Actually they are very stress also la..... So keep up te good work guys....
We really appreciate ur help~ aXAR!!!!
Now i took part in volley ball, played jus now around our houses... Damn fun wei.~
Hope my life get easier from now la~ ^^

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Moon Cake festival Celebration

Thanks to all the seniors for 5,6,7 batch for celebrating with us yesterday nite!!!
They are so sweet!! Walked for 1km with the lanterns jus to meet us!!
Chat alot and had some fun! After that we have truth and dare among us!!
Guess wat! The next batch slept in the HOTEL last nite! Jus becoz they found out this place haven been finish built!! What about when we come.... UNFAIR!!! Now the house is much more better without a cupboard!! Its so small man... The seniors said that they really appreciate their room now~ Well, met few seniors and frens from Chong Hwa~ Jia Ling and dao xiang from 02 batch,
and shu en from 03 batch!! Really having fun yesterday! Its the first time i din home sick in the night~ really appreciate their effort! Thanks!!!


原來, 自己在外真的不簡單。
住的地方爛,沒關係, 還要離學校很遠。
這裡真的很糟糕, 拉了好幾次肚子。
堅強吧!! 要開學了。。。

Today is Moon Cake Festival....
I miss my family!!! And my Hubby too...
Had been crying for the whole day~ sob sob

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Firstly thanks to all who send me off at the airport.....
My dearest family, Hubby, Sc, Acc, A lai, BiBi, Seong Liyn, Yong Kang~
Then off i'm in in INDIA!!
Erm, it doesnt sound excited becoz the condition here was really really bad...
All the roads are uneven....
Well the flight was ok, but to the part that we have to take land transport,
OMFG.... I'm like sitting in the boat in the ocean for 4 hrs....
Totally dunno where am i.....
Luckily yean chin come with me.... ><
I'm here for 3 dayz ...... Seriously Home-sICking~~~
Coz..... i give you the reason y....
1. No water supply in this so called --- junior quaters house......
2. The house is still in renovation.... OMG!!
3. In india, dust and horns are free.... you can hear horning sound everywhere and the dust flying all over...
4. Food here was not nice wei..... Summore the office did not give us the facilities that they promise to give us.....
5. We r not staying together with James, Roshiny and Darvin... sob sob...
6. The wifi sucks.... Yean Chin can get msn i cannot~ ==
7. Cant get anything here .... No milo, No shampoo, No Nescafe....
8. Toilet tissues and wasing powder is so expensive....

And fucking shit i forgot to bring my admission card and mom will b sending it to me...
Called her and cried just now.... i really miss her....