Friday, October 24, 2008

---The Last Day Of SkOoL + BdAy CeLeBrAtIoN---

Yesterday---24th October--- 
Its reli a great great great day for me ---
Actually i plan to skip class  tat day but....
At last i SKIPPED...
Not only me~ THE WHOLE CLASS SKIP...
so nvmd lar~ kakaka~ 
we went to AC....
And i feel shocked becoz i din realize that they have plan ....
They bought a big big card for all the lecturers...
We start decorating the cards and firstly we skipped Miss angelene's class...
She reli make us have heart attack..
In order to give supprise to them....
We kept the secret so carefully~ ^^
but she always kenakan kita....
Always get call from A gong that she's coming down to AC....
Phew~ And finally luckily we still manage to keep the secret from her....
Then we continue to have fun ~ Drawing the cards...
Writting comments  
and having fun PRINTING OUR HANDPRINTS on the card envelope....

Then All the teachers camee.... wohoo.... they had their lunch in AC...
Mr chong was the last to come...
Mr yap Physics...Miss angelene....Miss Loke all sitted there...
chatting with our classmates...
Then the funniest part is that .... TOM interviewed the teachers.....
Using MALAY~ but since the teachers are all very cooperate....
Here is some of the conversation....


Tom : Sini laporan dari Asia Cafe dekat Taylors...Sekarang saya akan mencari
           Apakah sebenarnya faktor yang menbawa seseorang ke arah kejayaan 
           dan mendapat keputusan yang cermelang....Mari ... saya akan menemu                  ]
           bual beberapa guru...JOM!!!

----Miss Angelene---- <= refuse to answer in malay...
 Tom: Puan... Apakah pendapat anda tentang skill 
           untuk menulis sebuah EXTENDED RESPONSE 
           yang baik?
Angelene : Its only to listen in class.... PAY ATTENTION!!!
Tom  : Miao.... Terima Kasih Puan...

----Mr Yap Physics----
Tom : Tuan , mengikuti undang undang newtons... Apakah...
Yap :  Hukum... bukan undang undang.....
Tom: .......... haha~ 

Hence its reli a very good inteview...><

Then we bring out the cake... Give out the cards.... and mr yap CHEMISTRY...
make GANDHI to get his lighter out...  haha....
He wanted to catch us in AC....^^

Here i wanted to thanks all the lecturers who had accompanied 
us throughout the whole year ...Thx for all the guidance!!!

Then we went out to the pizza... But full.... 
So... we had to go to CANADIAN PIZZA...
The pizza there is so....YEW!!!
Then we ate there... ordered 6 LARGE pizzas....
A ma and chee they all bought a bday cake....
For me tom and GG....
Quite touching lar.....^^ 
Summore the cake at last..... 
have a small portion on TOM's face...... hahahaha...
When we went back to the class....... GUESS WAT...
they are playing with FLOUR!!!!!!!
walao.... kena attack by WEI HONG!!!!
sei zai bao.... after final then u noe.......
Summore yoke see play with eggs....
terus on Tom's head and also GG's head,....
I'm the lucky one i guess.....
Then a ma done a great great thing......
She hug a gong for a photol...

i think tats all for now~ wanna continue with physics.....^^

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