Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random Post.

Back to blog.
Was lazy lately.
Btw , Happy Pongal to everyone~ ^^
*Pongal* Grand harvest festival in india when they change new things, mostly pots.
( heard it from sachin)
However, we do not get holiday for tomoro. sob sob.
Today's my beloved mommy's bday, and she sang bday song to herself when i called her, haha
Get back to the point.
Pongal holiday for 3 days, going to chennai tomorrow night~~~ yeah.
Going to shop for cny.
Lately i had problem sleeping at night, i wonder y?
and my hair falling like no one else business. MY HAIR~~~!!
* Miss you *

Why you always find it hard to get what u wanted to get so much.
原因是, 希望~
当你越是想要一样东西,你会不顾一切的想得到, 也同时希望得到。
也许是上帝给的考验吧, 越难得到的, 越会珍惜。

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A girl who stepped into the 21st year of her life. room

Happy new year everybody! I know its kinda late to wish but still...
I had fun in mumbai as you can see photos tat i've been tagged in facebook...
Its quite a historical place and its fun and eye opening ( especially the slum tour)
Recently I read a blog of a friend of mine, who work as an air-stewardess... I don understand y people don like india... Haha I kinda have fun here...
Back to new year... My batchmates had potluck ... Went to te market early in the morning and manage to get fresh fish... The class started... I love january! Coz there's lots of holidays! Having pongal holiday next week! 4 days neh... Going chennai I think so... Time to shop for chinese new year! But too sad I don have holiday for cny....
Another funny thing I observed....
Shrimp ( my doggy) actually babysitted her sister's (prawn) baby momo.... Its so sweet of her....